Frequently Asked Questions About
Custom Woodworking Services


Homestead has partnered with HOUZZ web site to show our work and receive customer reviews. Click on the button below to see our customers' comments.

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Do you design cabinets or do we need to hire another interior designer?

We have cabinet designers on staff with decades of experience that are willing to work with you to produce your dream project. We also always welcome the opportunity to work with a designer you are working with.

Will you work with trades that we recommend?

Our preference is to work with trades that know our expectations and are predictable for us to use on the project. However, we are willing to use a trade of your recommendation with the understanding that we have no experience with the outcome. We have some trades we use now that were recommended by customers and it has been a great experience.

Why Choose Us?

For over 35 years our customers have told us we are unique for the following reasons:

Unique Custom Approach: We start the process by listening to your needs. Only then do we develop solutions that fit your needs.  Our design team discovers your unique requirements. Our production team tailors the build to your needs. Our installers come to your home and skillfully fit things in to complement your home architecture and feel. "Out of the box, one size fits all, few selections, builders grade" are not words that describe Homestead.

Quality and Reliability: Commitment to the highest standard in parts and materials is intentional. We reject cheaper alternatives and short cuts that compromize reliability.  A timeless product can only be achieved through excellence.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials: We consistently achieve a 5-star rating on our marketing site called Houzz. This rating exceeds our competitors.

Competitive Pricing: Good value is achieved by staying efficient in every step along the way. Homestead is committed to what is called LEAN. Overall, LEAN refers to completing our tasks in a time efficient manner without compromising our goals. Customers receive the benefits of LEAN by having their needs met in as cost-effective a manner as possible.

Customer Service: Excellent customer service and support are realized every time we address your needs and concerns.  Honest and open communication are always used to discover what needs to be done. Dedication to on-time solutions has our customers declaring "item resolved".

Innovation: Creative solutions and unique designs come when we are free to "imagine".  You are sure to see our creativity as you explore our photos.

Transparency and Honesty: We are open about our business practices. Our customers tell us that our transparency and honesty build trust.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: If you explore our "Green" page you will learn about how our business contributes positively to the community and the environment.

Guarantees and Warranties: Our product contains within it our reputation.  We are committed to working with you to keep our product working to the standard you expect. 


Concerns related to the green environment revolve around environmental sustainability and the health of ecosystems. Please click on the link below to see our ongoing commitment.

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Do you do renovations?


Short answer:  Yes!  Need that wall between the Kitchen and Dining room moved so you can make your dream kitchen wider? Need to remodel that Bathroom to be more inviting and usable? No problem. Homestead can be your Project Manager and handle all aspects of the renovation.  Alternately we can recommend quality contractors.

Go to Renovations

Are there any jobs available?

Homestead is always willing to consider hiring qualified people. Sometimes we have posted opportunities, however if nothing is posted, please don't hesitate to send us your Resume using the Contact Us page.  Click on the button below to see posted positions.



Do you offer free estimates?

Yes on most projects. Planning and designing is not a free service.


Is there a fee for at-home design consulting?

We have a fee for onsite consultation and design. The fee will be project dependent. This fee can be used toward the deposit of the project once it goes ahead.


Are you committed to Accessibility?

Yes! Please visit our Accessibility Page


Is a wood front door going to require more maintenance?

To enhance the life of the finish, we recommend that your door has an overhead roof to eliminate sun exposure. In general, some maintenance is required, but we offer an industry-leading  finish on all our doors and beams.  


What level of cleanliness can I expect from the installers?

We go above and beyond to ensure we have left your home neat and tidy. Our customers have told us how much they appreciate how we sweep up, vacuum and protect other areas of the home from dust with plastic barriers.


What does scribing mean regarding how the cabinets and beams meet walls and ceilings?

We design our products to have extra material in places where they touch walls and ceilings. Scribing provides a way to cut the cabinets or beams to an exact fit and avoid unnecessary gaps. Ceiling faux beams, for example, when scribed tight to the ceiling will appear to be solid, enhancing the appearance. Scribing is the higher level of craftsmanship you expect from Homestead.


What beam textures are available?

We offer a wide range of textures that include broad axe, wire brush, rough sawn and fully dressed.


How do we prepare our home for installation?

The level of preparation varies for each project. Some installs require minimal prep (furniture moved). Your sales rep will advise you regarding what preparations are required.